Amazing Quality, Caring and Service
So many things going through my head right now. Too many to mention, but the most important one it I am moving back to my home in Myrtle Beach. TOMORROW!!!!
Yes you heard right. That means please forgive me for not updating my blog for the next week. 
I will have more opportunities to explore with my La Bella Baskets business down there and will be able to catch up with all my friends I have missed so much in the past 4 years. 
Now don't get me wrong, taking care of my grandchildren was the most important and special thing ever! My heart already breaks for them and for me missing their smiles and there "Mimi, Mimi look look" in the morning and "sing me a nite nite song Mimi".  So much emotion going on in this house. 
With all that is going on  I do not want you to think for a minute I would forget to add some business into this blog! LOL

ll three pictures have a link attached to get you right to my store.
E-Cards are a great way to get a co-worker or someone a gift but not quite sure what to get. They can spend it at my store anyway they want.

Christmas gifts, well there is a lot of them this year in the store. Come check them all out! Amazing and unique ways to give a special gift and bring in the brightest smile ever!!

Hanukkah, well we have three out of those seven night of gifing.  Ideas for the hard to please and not so hard to please all will love these great ideas. Please check out all the other gifts and amazing scented holiday candles as well. The holidays this year for sure will be warm and merry and bright for all!!!

Until I get back to a computer, this is me saying have a safe and great Halloween tonight, and may your season of gifting always be bright!!!
PictureGrand Kids Happy Halloween!
So many people around this time of year start saying happy holidays. Well for this time of year through Thanksgiving that is great for me to say, because I am encompassing all holidays for now through New Years!
I am a Christian and very proud to be apart of the family of Christ, Jesus in my lord and savior! 
So for Christmas I will always say Merry Christmas, no happy holidays for this gal. This country was founded on Christian believes and I for one are very proud to be an American too!!!

Now enough political talk. I have a dilemma, I want you to enjoy all my store has to offer for the holidays and there is a lot to see for sure. Yet I am not sure I like seeing Christmas stuff in the stores before Thanksgiving. Shouldn't all the holidays have there own time to be in the spot light?

I understand that getting ideas and planning for what you might want to get that special someone, or the best friend is important too. 
My plan is for the next few weeks I will be posting for all the holidays more so for the Fall season. As Thanksgiving aproaches I will start post mostly on Christmas. This way you will get to see what I am offering, and go to my store: and see all. 

So here is sneak preview for Christmas gifting!

More on my fall baskets!
Fall Splendor

All the splendor of Fall along with a scrumptious assortment of delectable treats are encompassed by a hunter green fall basket. Created with an upscale fall presentation this delicious gift will leave them remembering how thoughtful you were. 

Green Harvest Basket
Mixed Fruit and nut Trail Mix
Mrs Vickies bistro chips
Tavolare Deluxe snack mix
Bellagio Cocoa
2 oz Crunchy caramel corn
Dolcetto Éclair Cream Filled Wafer Roll cookies
2 oz buttery pretzels
Fall Splendor Candy Corn and Pumpkin Mix
Fall Harvest Snacker Gift Basket_

Send all the flavors and colors of Autumn this season with our beautiful Fall Harvest Snacker Gift Basket. This beautiful hand painted basket arrives full of heartwarming treats. 

Fall basket
Frosted autumn pumpkin cookie
Creamy vegetable cheese spread
Three Pepper crackers
3 oz beef salami
Stuffed olives
Honey mustard pretzels
Chamberry chocolates
Sonoma three cheese swirls
2 oz caramel corn 

Standard Delivery $12.95 
Fall Snack Chest_

Like the cozy hues of autumn foliage, the gift of tasty treats leaves a dazzling impression on family and friends.

Dark stained wicker hamper
Ms Vickies bistro chips
Snack mix
Cherry bon bon candies
Vanilla cream spice tea
Shortbread cookies
Vegetable cheese dip
Honey mustard pretzels
Happy Halloween to all and may the rest of this holiday season be blessed for you and your's!
Always Smiling Martha

Survey question
How many of you say?

Merry Christmas 
Happy Holidays

Well here we are almost midway through October. So much going on like, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Of which I am donating 5% back to research. Sweetest day, bosses day, Halloween, oh and I can't forget Clergy Appreciation Moth too! 
I have so many great gift ideas in my store for all these worthy holidays, small or large. To someone they are important. 

Remembering we have over 500 + gifts now, from candles, cookie bouquets, amazing gift baskets and fresh cut flowers. For every occasion, event, and holiday!!

Thank You!
 To our pastor who works so hard every day, and see open for all to see. Nothing goes by most people when it comes to their pastor. So he or she really does need a month for his parishioner to honor him. Let them know who much you need them, how loved he or she is, their families need that too they can also sacrifice a lot.

Send a smile and encouragement!
How many of us know of someone battling cancer, I wouldn't hesitate to guess most of us! All cancer is horrific, breast cancer just as much so. Women all over need to know we care and support them. We also support those who have lost loved ones to this disease.
Here are our THINK PINK products, yet any of our gifts would bring a smile to someone hurting or sick. Wouldn't that be nice to do for someone you love?

Bosses Day October 16th.
Most of us have a boss, or had a boss one down the line some were that we really liked. Let them know they are appreciated too. 
How many people (bosses) you know who doesn't like chocolate!!! Great baskets of chocolate! They are now back in the store. Why did they leave you say? Well in the hotter months they then to melt in shipping, so we only sell them in the cooler months.

Sweetest Day October 19th.
How about that sweet heart you have, hope you do something nice for them too!!
Anytime is good to show your significant other how you feel, and Sweetest Day is one of those days!
Besides flowers, and candy, how about a great SPA basket? Nice way to say relax a little and I'll cook dinner tonight!!! What do you think?

Oh a wine basket wouldn't hurt either!!!!

May all your Autumn holidays be colorful and tasty, and may you have the best the season can bring!
ALways Martha (Mimi) 

I attended a beautiful Divinity Graduation just a few short years ago and it was so inspiring! This is a photo of the Chapel the graduation took place. Duke University Chapel in Durham. NC.

Clergy Appreciation Month is a special time that congregations set aside each year to honor their pastors and pastoral families for the hard work, sacrificial dedication and multiple blessings provided by these special people. It is typically scheduled in October, but can be held at any time that is convenient for the church and the community. It is also important to remember that appreciation, affirmation and prayer support of our spiritual leaders is appropriate throughout the entire year.
There is an appreciation day, that day is this coming Sunday the 13th of October.
While some of us are tiring to come up with some unique gift ideas, I have some that just might work. You can get something from just you or you can get the whole congregation to pitch in and get one great big basket and split the price. 
Here area a few of the Thank You Baskets we offer that would be unique and very special. We all know how a different and unexpected gift brings the biggest smiles!

Each gift has a link to my site to purchase it.

I believe that the concept of clergy appreciation started with the Apostle Paul as he was establishing the first Christian churches. In 1 Timothy

“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching”  (1 Timothy 5:17).

Focus on the Family named and began emphasizing Clergy Appreciation Month in 1994, reminding congregations that it was biblical and proper to honor their pastoral staffs and pastoral families.
This goal is that every pastor (including staff ministers) and his or her family would feel appreciated by those they serve!

PictureThe Kosher Certified Gourmet Gift $68.99
Clergy to me means; anyone ordained who leads us in our religious believes.
 Well that includes a lot of different religions. So here is a basket that can be used for almost any religion, it is one of our Kosher baskets, amazing items and so beautifully designed too.
Please share a little about you most influential pastor in your life. I would love to hear these stories!!! Leave your stories in the comments, I will be sure to read each one!!!

Last but not least one of my favorites for a great person, job well done , or thank you is the "You're a Shinning Start Basket" just  $44.99 

Have a blessed day and month and may all your clergy have a great month too. Praying for all our clergy in our great nation this month, please join me!!
Always Martha
***Pink Breast Cancer Ribbon" by scottchan

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

More than 25 years ago NBCAM started promoting awareness and education on breast cancer treatment, prevention and detection. They remain dedicated to educating and empowering women to take charge of their own breast health.

Think Pink, Pinktober, save the ta-tas, just three of the many slogans you see throughout October to raises awareness.

Of course, you see a lot of support for this mighty cause, pink shoes on most of the NFL teams during this month, NASCAR,  American Cancer Society,  people selling everything pink, even La Bella Baskets, this is just a minute list of all the organizations that promote and educate in October fo NBCAM.

Here are the gifts we have to promote and support breast cancer awareness, and if you buy any one of these items from me this month in honor of a loved one who has fought  this horrid disease and won or even if they have been lost. I will donate 5% of that gift back to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Please help us fight this awful disease!!!

Always Martha

Hope for the Cure Tower   $42.99

It s a tower of pink boxes representing an awareness around breast cancer. Our pink boxes are filled with our freshly baked cookie assortment. _

A Gift of Hope  $49.99

This Pink Ribbon Beanie Baby is surrounded with ten freshly baked chocolate chip cookies in a white vase. _

This poem is attached to this spa basket, just beautiful!

Beautiful woman,
that is who you are.
The sparkle in your eyes,
the natural swing in your walk,
you radiate excitement and enthusiasm.

You need no latest fashion,
No expensive hair cuts,
No blinding big accessories.

You glow in your passions,
passionate in your pursuits,
you know what you are made of.

You are not easily bothered,
by the mindless opinions of others,
you know very well where you want to go.

You are a joy to watch,
an inspiration to others,
your pure soul an endless marvel.

Beautiful woman,
let your brilliance shine through,
and your inner strength guide
you every single day!

_Beautiful Woman Spa Gift   $44.99

Beautiful Woman Spa Gift Basket will bring smiles to every woman. This basket is filled with pampering products.

Includes: Candle, Body Lotion, Body Wash, Body Spray, Potpourri, Potpourri Sachet Envelope Holder, Body loofah ball along with a beautiful handle wicker basket and special poem.

Please pray; Dear Lord may this disease be prevented and cured in our life time. May you comfort us and keep us as the doctors work so hard to do this feat and help us heal, Amen 

Mimis Basktastic Gifts